Learn Spanish Deluxe is guaranteed to be the most entertaining way you have learnt Spanish so far! It features:
Vocabulary trainer: choose the corresponding image to the Spanish word given.
Verb conjugation trainer: practice the Spanish verb conjugations for all the tenses by translating from Spanish to English or vice-a-versa.
True or false: select whether the shown translation is true or false and answer as many as you can in 60 seconds.
Spelling test: spell the given Spanish word correctly without getting a letter wrong.
Hangman: guess the Spanish word by choosing one letter at a time with only a limited amout of guesses.
Anagram: rearrange the letters to guess the jumbled Spanish word.
Word search: find all the Spanish words hidden in the word grid using the English translations as hints.
Memory match: flip over two cards at a time to find the Spanish word and its given translation, until all pairs have been found.
17 categorized flash card sets for speed learning new vocabulary, including adjectives, adverbs, numbers, common objects, transportation and so on.
Please be aware that activation is required in order to use all the features without any limitations.