LDS Primary Song Gauge

OS X 10.6
Attention all LDS Primary Song Leaders!! The LDS Primary Song Gauge is a game that gives your Primary children a fun way to learn Primary songs. They choose a number. The Song Gauge reveals a song for them to sing. Next, they choose the way they would like to sing the song. For the most points, they sing it without any help!! After they sing the song, push the button, and the song gauge goes up, up, up (or down if they skipped) with a sound effect the kids love! You have full control over the songs behind each number and the choices the kids can make for how they sing the songs. There are 12 song choices to fit a year's worth of songs. The Song Gauge doesn't have any marks, so you can choose when the children get rewarded for their effort. Set your Mac at the front of the room, or connect it up to a TV or projector for large screen viewing. The app is HD formatted but will work on all screen sizes. For less than the cost of a few poster boards, this app provides an entire Singing Time worth of fun. It's been tested in front of multiple Primaries, and the children all love it and want to play it again and again.