OS X 10.10
Use a 30 minute timer every night for a month then let us know the changes you experience in the app reviews. You will feel and think better than before. Tell a friend about our relaxation products. For anyone who’s ever gone to counseling, you know that a lot of your emotional ailments could have been cured if someone was to be kind at a critical time in your life. The Kind Words project will help change the soundtrack of your life. We have so much going on in our minds during the day and when we lay down at night; voices of depression, failure, anxiety, and all the negative thoughts we have about ourselves. Kind Words is edifying as well as soothing to help you go to sleep and wake up listening to how great you are and how much you are needed! - With the iOS and Mac versions, you can record your own voice or even a spouse or friend. This is a great opportunity for you to customize the words you hear as you fall asleep and wake. About Us: We are the inventors of Music Healing. When we first created Music Healing, it was because our own families were dealing with problems sleeping, family issues and other emotional trauma. Well we heard there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the lord so we sought to find the secret and created Music Healing. We had reports of People with Sensory Conditions who were soothed, babies who finally could sleep, adults with insomnia finally sleeping and so much more. This is not just a project for us, it’s our passion. We use this and these methods for ourselves and our own children so please join us as we change the world with these emotionally restoring products. Write a good review, blog or feature these products if you are able; we are not a large corporation so we need you just as much as we believe you and your family need these products.