Keyword Cleaner for ASO

OS X 10.11
As an iOS/macOS developer, do you often submit your apps to the store and translate keywords for your app? Then, 'Keyword Cleaner for ASO' would be helpful. When I translate keywords for my app with Google Translate, it gives white spaces between keywords which also take up the length limit for the App Store submission--100 letters for Keywords. So I have made this app to get rid of undesirable white space letters. Paste a keyword chunk into the text field and press the Return key. It will clean unwanted spaces and copy the cleaned text to Clipboard. - Delete white spaces between keywords separated by comma - Change continuous white spaces to one space within a keyword - Count and display how many letters are over the limit of keywords, iOS11 App Name, and Subtitle - Easily copy the whole text to Clipboard - Pin Window to stay in front - Flexible Window Size - Support Split View mode