** Junkyard is free to download. All features are fully enabled. ** A modest in-app purchase is available to eliminate occasional reminder messages.
Junkyard helps you visually organize ideas and create attractive mind map illustrations.
"Top 5 Useful Mac Apps Making Things Easier" — iMacLand
"A very powerful app. If you’re interested in mind mapping with a textual bias, this is very much for you." — OutlinerSoftware.com
“A very useful and truly essential app” — App Store review (Italy)
“The name of this app doesn’t do it justice” — Tom M.
Create text boxes with your notes and ideas. Arrange and rearrange them. Draw connections between them. Change fonts, colors, add arrows, place graphics on the canvas. Separate topics into their own tabs.
Junkyard helps you:
* UNLOAD YOUR THOUGHTS and get them organized. Unpack ideas and draw the connections between them. Make the complex understandable, and manageable.
* PRODUCE CRISP, HIGH QUALITY DIAGRAMS for any situation where you need to illustrate relationships.
* CREATE AN OUTLINE DOCUMENT which can be opened in any word processor and used as the foundation of an essay, research paper, legal argument, and so on. The “Show Outline” command automatically transforms your diagrams into a neatly organized, hierarchical text document with optional paragraph numbering.
* OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION by making it easy to express and progressively build up your ideas. When you can’t seem to get started on a project, just doubleclick on the canvas and type a few words. Then do it again, and again. Connect the pieces. Click “Show Outline” and suddenly you have the framework of a document.
Key features:
* Entirely free form: create notes anywhere, connected to other notes in any way that you want
* Drag-and-drop links to almost any document and web address
* Integrated Quick Look browser: view linked documents within Junkyard, including high resolution images, videos and live web pages
* Tabbed browser: organize your document into main topics, improve focus, reduce clutter
* Full text search: instantly find and navigate to notes
* Export to all major graphical formats including PNG, TIFF, JPG and PDF
* Draft document view: print or export your notes (RTF) as a hierarchical, numbered document, to serve as the foundation for development into an essay, report, etc.
* Full iCloud support for automatically synchronizing documents and preferences across multiple Macs
Other features:
* Easy, simple interface
* Double-click the canvas to create a new note
* Customize each note’s background and border color, as well as line weight and pattern
* Full control over font, size and style
* Enclose notes in diverse shapes including circles, rectangles, stars, diamonds
* Drag to create connections to other notes
* Change the color, line style and curvature of connection lines
* Choice of arrow styles on both ends of connections
* Apply labels with configurable appearance to connections
* Drag and drop local or web-based images and text
* One-click import of all open webpages from any number of Safari or Chrome windows
* Automatically detect and remember dragged in source file paths/web URLs
* Live update thumbnails generated from dragged-in web URLs
* Infinite canvas automatically grows and shrinks as needed
* Navigate a large canvas using high fidelity miniature overview with draggable locator
* Zoom canvas from 0.125% to 400% with full support for pinch and spread zoom gestures
* Unlimited number of tabs, rearrange tabs by dragging, cut and paste text notes between tabs
* Full text search across all tabs with automatic navigation to selected result
* Solid color and gradient backgrounds set individually for each canvas
* Full screen mode
* Undo/redo
* Full featured mind-mapping tool
* Full support for Retina displays