John’s Background Switcher

OS X 10.9
John's Background Switcher puts beautiful full-screen photos and stunning montages on your desktop. Choose the photos from your own collection on your Mac or websites like Flickr, InterfaceLIFT, Unsplash, Instagram, Pixabay, SmugMug, Vladstudio, Google Photos and many more besides. You'll never know what's coming next - maybe photos from a recent holiday, landscapes from far and distant lands, pictures of small kittens or equally small dogs. If you're having a tough day, just take a look at your desktop and John's Background Switcher will get you through it! Main features include: • Show single photos or a variety of randomly generated beautiful montages on your desktop • Choose photos from folders on your Mac, from iPhoto (old skool) or the new Photos app • Rich Flickr, InterfaceLIFT, Unsplash, Instagram, SmugMug, Pixabay, Vladstudio, Pinterest, Dropbox, OneDrive (personal) and Google Photos integration • Media RSS photo feeds (so you can use a great many more photo sites) • Multiple monitor support (show the same background all monitors, different pictures on each monitor or only on one monitor) • Switching intervals from every 10 seconds to 7 days • A variety of post processing effects like grayscale, sepia and desaturation • Lots of new features in the works for future versions (I have a list as long as your arm!) Once set up JBS quietly runs in the background changing your desktop and stays out of your way. If you don't love it, tell me what you'd like it to do from the support link and I'll add it as soon as I can! And remember, I'm a real person called John so be nice. :)