Jaenre is short for JApanese-ENglish-REsource. It is a reference tool to help English speakers to work with the Japanese language. To this end, Jaenre consists of several windows.
There are a few panels that have buttons on them. Clicking these buttons will send the text on that button to the topmost selected text field. There is a panel each for the Hiragana and Katakana character sets. There's also a panel with some punctuation used by the Japanese that is not readily available to English speakers.
Two panels provide a means to browse for Kanji characters. One through the traditional Radical system. Another through the more modern SKIP system.
A transliteration window is available that has three text areas corresponding to Romaji, Hiragana and Katakana. Selecting one field and typing into it will convert to the other character sets.
There is a search window that can be used to search through the Jaenre database.
A text window is provided in the form of a scratch pad. Here one can store various text items. They then can be cut and pasted to other applications.
Jaenre is not an application for beginners. Its purpose is to assist, not teach. Knowing the Hiragana and Katakana character sets is a must. A familiarity with using dictionaries is must. A basic working knowledge of written Japanese will help.