iScreenshot Maker and AppIcon

OS X 10.11
iScreenshot Maker and AppIcon you can quickly create screenshots for the iOS AppStore. Just drag and drop or import your iOS Simulator or device screenshots. You have to take one screenshot for each device. iScreenShot can not do magic. If you want a screenshot for a specific device, you have to take it first with the iOS Simulator (choose the right device there!). Surprise: The resolution of the screenshots is exactly that which is required for iTunes Connect. ****************** Portrait Only Supported ******************** Currently supported devices: iPhone 4s iPhone 5c iPhone 5s iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPad Mini iPad Mini Retina iPad Air Supported iOS Simulator screenshot resolutions: ***************** iPhone ***************** 640 x 960 640 x 1136 750 x 1334 1242 x 2208 ***************** iPad ***************** 768 x 1024 2048 x 1536