This deep, 39-tutorial course by Ableton expert Thavius Beck shows you every knob, control, menu and functionality of this Ableton Live controller: Push 2.
App Features:
• 151 minutes of video training
• Super clear explanations
• Offline Playback (no internet connection needed)
• Easy to navigate
Course Outline:
1. Introduction (03:11)
2. The Setup Page (02:55)
3. Loading a Drum Rack (05:04)
4. Drum Rack Step Sequencer (05:26)
5. Step Sequencer Overdubbing & Quantizing (07:54)
6. Note Repeat (03:50)
7. Recording Automation in Realtime (04:09)
8. Per Step Automation (01:48)
9. Add Track (02:10)
10. Note Mode & Scale Modes (03:26)
11. Fixed Length (01:24)
12. Recording Instrument in Realtime (03:09)
13. Melodic Step Sequencer (05:44)
14. Volume & Headroom (04:36)
15. Pan, Mute, Solo, & Stop Clip (02:37)
16. Introducing Simpler (05:13)
17. Navigating Simpler (02:43)
18. Record Simpler in Realtime (03:34)
19. Simpler Warping (03:08)
20. Start/End points & Crop with Simpler (01:55)
21. Simpler Looping (03:08)
22. Reverse Samples in Simpler (00:58)
23. Simpler Beats Warp Mode (04:00)
24. Warp Modes & Envelopes in Simpler (03:47)
25. Simpler's LFO (02:27)
26. Slicing with Simpler (03:52)
27. Simpler Sensitivity & Slice to Pad (03:27)
28. Insert & Send Effects (09:17)
29. Preparing to Resample Audio (04:15)
30. Resampling (03:22)
31. Convert Audio Clip to Simpler (04:31)
32. Simpler's Step Sequencer (05:23)
33. Organizing Clips into Scenes (03:33)
34. Adding Additional Scenes (04:16)
35. Scene Workflow (03:41)
36. Editing Clips in Scenes (04:13)
37. Duplicate Track (05:22)
38. Arrangement Concepts (02:16)
39. Recording to the Arrangement (04:54)