International Space Station 2

OS X 10.11
International Space Station allows to see the position of the the International Space Station over an interactive map of the world or an interactive tridimensional representation of the globe. With a simple view you will be able to see if the International Space station will be visible (naked eye) from your local position in the next hours. Using the application (release 1) I did it many time and success is granted and also the 'Wow effect' from the one you show it in the sky. Many people has no idea the space station can be seen naked eye (if you know when to look and where) With a simple click you can also see the live webcam stream coming from the International Space Station. You will watch the astronauts activities with video and audio, all live. Calculation of the position of the station is very accurate, the app uses the latest NASA code optimized for Mac to calculate it. You don't get an approximated position, you get the exact position, speed and altitude of the Station updated every second. The route path is visualized over the map to evaluate if the station is coming near your position in the next hours (when meteorological and light condition are adequate you can see it without any instruments, just observing the sky naked-eye). Time of day matters, you can't see it during the day but only when you have dark sky and the station still get the sun light, so usually after sunset for around 3 hours and before dawn (for a period of 3 hours) Every year during the summer I had the possibility to see it many times in a month and many nights you have 2 valid passages (distanced by the time it spend for a world circle with is around 90 minutes at 27 000 Km/h - 17 000 MPH) You can zoom, move and resize the map as you like at any time and on the map you see exactly from where it's coming and where to look to catch it After some time you will become expert to spot it in the sky as soon as it is on the horizon. The application downloads at regular time, once per day when you startup it, from our server, the latest orbital parameters to calculate the orbit, so the calculation obtained for the position is always accurate and perfect because the app uses the most updated orbital parameters. No user action required, the app does it all alone. Our own server provides always updated NASA data to your app when it requires it. International Space Station is easy and fun to use, anyone can use it even if it uses sophisticated satellite orbit calculation with the same alghoritm used by pro orbital calculation software. Requires macOS 10.11 or successive • Perfect results as using pro orbital software but in an easy to use app • Offers 6 different types of map/3D globe on macOS 10.13 (5 on previous macOS releases, plain map is available only on macOS 10.13+) • Customizable latitude/longitude format • Measure units in Km and Km/h or NM and MPH • Zoomable interactive Map and 3DGlobe showing also night/day areas • 'Keep Centered' function • Circle area of visibility moving with the station• Autodetect of your position and circle area of visibility around your position • Includes a PDF User Guide Plus it offers fast access via your web browser to various dedicated area: • Page Station at NASA • Nasa station blog • Web Cam stream on board of the station • Audio stream from the station • Facebook page of the station • Twitter NASA astronauts • Twitter ESA astronauts • YouTube presence • Flickr presence Requires an internet connection for Apple Map visualization, data update once a day, web cam stream and web pages access. Position is calculated locally using the latest algorithm for orbit computation coded for macOS --- We have also a version for the iPhone and the iPad with similar features. Search on iTunes for 'ISS Track 2'