Intercept is a beautiful easy to use middleware webserver that gives you a massive amount of power and flexibility. The true power of Intercept comes from the ability to compose small components into interesting functionality. Whether it be creating a LiveReload server, compiling Sass on the fly, or debugging an api, Intercept will be a large part of your toolkit.
At the core of Intercept is composability, that many small components can be made into one larger component. This allows Intercept to be more flexible than your standard tool. There is not one component that loads and compiles Sass, instead there is one that compiles and one that loads. This allows you to change the file before the compile, or view the output of the file load. Even more complicated functionality can come by putting together Flow pipes, ones that change what happens next in the pipe chain.
Debugging Proxy
Intercept can act as an amazing Debugging Proxy. This allows you to look inside the requests that flow between your API and client, be it an iPhone app, a server side client, or a SPA. Intercept also allows you to change the data moving between the proxy server and the client.
Intercept projects can be deployed to the state of the art Intercept PaaS. This allows you to host the site built with Intercept. It also gives you the ability to debug things that are not local to your network. Deploying to the PaaS is simple and easy to do, and with auto-scale it can react to any traffic changes that happen.
Development Server
Intercept works as an amazing development server it allows you to compile a wide variety of files on the fly, minify CSS or JavaScript, inject code into pages, or run a LiveReload server. All of this allows you to start developing faster, and with less roadblocks.