Insta Photo Share is the easiest way to quickly sends your Photos to Groups of People Instantly.
This is the proven method of instantly getting pics from camera to Friends and Family all without hassle!…Set it and Forget it…!
We all know people want to see our photo's as soon as you take them, but todays cameras' make the Sharing really hard since we take pictures the size of posters!
Who has time to sit and resize each photo and then to make sure that it can be emailed without it bouncing!
Easy Photo Sender will solve this issue for you once and for all!
Here's how it works…
Easy Step 1: Create a Group, such as Grandparents, Co-workers, etc and add their emails.
Easy Step 2: Create a Album and add your Photo's
Easy Step 3: Set your email size limit and press send and walk-away while the photo's are resized and optionally watermarked and emails are created!
Thats it… Now that was easy!
Easy Photo Sender can be used for a wide variety of uses such as emailing your Photos to Friends and Family or even sending Design Mocks to clients with a water mark.
Once your Settings are set…all other actions are automated for you!
Did we mention that each Group maintains their own Settings so you don't have to reset them each time!
##### Features #####
• MEGA EXCLUSIVE: Settings for Max Email Message Size Limit!
• EXCLUSIVE: Create & Manage Multiple Groups with Multiple Recipients!
• EXCLUSIVE: Create & Manage Multiple Photo Albums, Preserving your Original Images!
• EXCLUSIVE: Create Photo PDF's for archiving!
• EXCLUSIVE: Upload multiple Photo's Directly to FaceBook!
• EXCLUSIVE: Create Exact Photo Emails that Won't Bounce Back Due to Size!
• EXCLUSIVE: Watermark your Images
• EXCLUSIVE: Frame your Photo's!
• Built-In Help file and Quick Start Tutorial - Most apps don't provide even a help file!
• AddressBook Integration - Drag & Drop Recipients from Address Book to your Groups!
• Change Image formats to PNG, JPG, GIF or TIFF
• Predesigned Photo Frames included to give your Photo's tyne special effect.
• Customizable Watermark - Choose Opacity , Font Name, Font Size etc.
• Technical Support Offered 7 days a week via Email - All Emails answered within 24 hours, many time usually within Hours for all of our Products.
• Batch Photo Resizing (800 x 600, 1024 x 768, etc.)
• Batch Photo File Formats (PNG, JPG, GIF, TIFF, Etc.)
• Batch Photo Watermarking (Copyright 2013 or Hawaii Vacation Trip, etc.)
• Batch Photo Quality Adjustments
• Batch Photo Framing
• Batch Photo Emails
• Batch Photo PDF's