Intel 64 / OS X
$ 19.99
Inboard helps you organize your screenshots and photos like your own private, desktop-based version of Pinterest. It helps you to organize images that otherwise get lost in Finder, and serves as an inspiration you can browse through to get inspired for your next project. Key Features Beautiful Pinterest-like display of your images Capture full height webpage screenshots of websites that you love Import your Dribbble likes Import/export library as a .zip for easy migration Organize images by using tags and folders Masonry image grid for maximum screen space use Yosemite ready Get Inboard today for a straightforward, easy-to-use image organizer app. Supports most popular file formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, PSD, AI, PDF, EPS. Cloud syncing coming soon! Email us at support@inboardapp.com or tweet us @inboardapp with your suggestions and questions.



傻小编一直对设计工作专用图片管理类工具情有独钟,之前曾遇到过 Pixa、Ember、Sparkbox 这样的极品,但价格大多昂贵,不是狂热级别的话一般都不会轻易入手的,如果有一款性价比很高的图片搜集工具让我选,我肯定会毫不犹豫的找 Inboard ,这款软件更轻量化,设计了 Dribbble 资源导...