OS X 10.8
iMaster is the new way to self teach yourself on various different topics. iMaster Java is the easiest way to learn how to program with the powerful and popular programming language Java. Gain skills in one of the highest paying programming languages available. Java is a language that is used in most of the fortune 500 companies. Broken into 6 different topics and 1 main test, iMaster helps learn all aspects of Java programming. A topic is "mastered" once it has been passed 3 times. You are considered a master of Java once you have completed all quizzes. Great for learning a new technology for your job skills or to learn this new programming language. Features include: - Over 75 questions on all aspects of Java - Custom quiz engine to help you focus on specific topics - Visual feedback with correct answers Java topics include: - Terminology - Variables - Methods/Functions - Classes - Structure - Syntax