Image Splitter

OS X 10.7
◆◆◆ ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME: 50% OFF ◆◆◆ Image Splitter can split your images from 1x1 to 10x10. You can divide from the middle, trisect or quartern your images. It make it easy to split your images for some specify purpose. Image Splitter is a Swiss army knife solution for your simple image processing. When it comes to splitting images — Image Splitter is your best app for you Mac. Clean and simple interface for common tasks Great choice of image formats: jpg, png, bmp, gif and tiff... Lightning fast — split in a matter of seconds ◆◆◆ Bug Fix & Feature Request ◆◆◆  We love to hear your feedback. Please remember, we cannot reply to your comments in the Mac App Store. If you have a question, please contact us through our support mail. Thank you!