Image Processing by LEADTOOLS

OS X 10.10
APP FOR DEVELOPERS – see note below. The LEADTOOLS Image Processing application for macOS allows you to apply effects to images loaded from your computer. Here are some of the image processing filters that can be applied to images using this app: • Color: Adaptive Contrast, Adjust Tint, Auto Binary, Auto Color Level, Blur Detection, Change Hue, Change Saturation, Color Resolution, Contrast Brightness Intensity, Dynamic Binary, Fill, Gamma Correct, Grayscale, Intensity Detect, Invert Colors, Posterize, Solarize, Stretch Intensity • Transform: Flip, Flip-Reverse, Rotate, Rotate 90°, Shear • Document: Anti-Aliasing, Auto Crop, Blank Page Detector, Clear, Crop, Deskew, Despeckle, Dot Remove, Line Remove, Maximum, Median, Minimum, Resize, Subtract Background • Effects: Add Noise, Average, Binary Filter, CLAHE, Color Halftone, Desaturate, Edge Detect Effect, Edge Detector, Emboss, Gaussian, High Pass, Offset, Sharpen, Smooth Edges, Spatial Filter • Segmentation: K-Means, Lambda Connectedness, Otsu, Perspective Deskew, SRAD Filter, TAD Filter NOTE: This is one of the applications that is provided with source code in LEADTOOLS, the award-winning SDK for programmers. This application is built using the LEADTOOLS Imaging SDK for macOS. These native frameworks provide advanced imaging technology for the next generation of macOS applications with outstanding quality, efficiency and speed. This app is intended to show developers some of the many capabilities that they can integrate into their own applications using LEADTOOLS. For more information or to download a free evaluation SDK of our full toolkit, including the source code for this app, visit: We love your feedback! Please feel free to share it with us anytime at: