Intel 64 / OS X
$ 99.99
Illuminando is a native Cocoa OS X CAD, specialized to perform lighting calculations using interactive tools that allow to obtain a simple and effective input. After calculation the result are presented in 3D OpenGL and in a complete RTF report. Illuminando has a CAD interface that can generate morphologically defined parametric objects (vaults, hipped, domes, etc..) or freely be generated through the use of primitives (cubes, spheres, cones, etc..) in order to simplify the design procedures, and also can import from DXF 3D files. The working window projects objects within a three-dimensional space that displays the axial reference system and a plane of virtual modeling. The rationalization and intuitiveness of the available commands allow the acquisition of the graphics tools provided by the Application, minimizing the learning curve. Moreover, UNDO and REDO command allow the possibility of control and security in the work developing. Powerful LAYER and VIEW management, intelligent PASTING options (the Application allows to copy the attributes of an object and paste only those that is possible to transfer on an object with different characteristics), RESHAPE, MOVE, ROTATE, MIRROR, SCALE, OFFSET, rectangular and polar ARRAY, EXPLODE, JOIN, DIVIDE, EXTRUDE commands, online HELP for the execution of commands: these are some of the possibilities offered by Illuminando. Some utilities permits to manage specific needs: The light sources, calculated as volumetric sources, are managed entirely by the Application through a tool which allows to import, display, edit and format IESNA LM-63 (ASCII text files normally used by manufacturers of lighting fixtures-Americans), EULUMDAT (formed by European standards) and even drawings DXF (the Application converts drawings photometry!) data files; photometric solids are summarized in 36 azimithal C-curves and 180 zenithal gamma-angles, while the color of the lamps is given by the color temperature or real color. A window of pre-project and optimization for rectangular, L-shaped or cutted-corner rooms that permita to evaluate the correct number of sources to achieve a certain value of illuminance on the working surface. A utility for the road projects optimization: given the width of the streat, through the choice of a variety of sources, distance and height of the poles, brackets, inclination, etc., builds a database for each configuration with all the performed simulations. Through the use of filters you can choose from all the simulations carried out those that meet the parameters of law, the minimum installed capacity per kilometer, the configuration with maximum average luminance, etc. A tool provides the creation of area layouts (distributed pole, faced poles, corner light-masts, etc.). Special dialogue permits to handle the lighting sources colour, through CIE-diagram comparation.