iFetal Pregnancy Calculator

OS X 10.7
The most recommended pregnancy app by midwives and obstetricians to women around the world. The only app which both medical professionals and pregnant couples use to communicate the most important information during a pregnancy. More than 45 categorial information with pictures and audio of fetal heartbeats are accessible by simply entering the first day of the last menstrual period. You can instantly save the results with your added comments to your Mac for future review. iFetal Pregnancy Calculator is a quality assurance and a teaching tool for everyone who deals with babies. Here are some of the current features of this evolving app: Save information to track the pregnancy in the future Option to add comments to each case to ensure patient care in the follow up visits Coloured tables to review the results easily Calculation of the earliest date that a home pregnancy test becomes positive Calculation of the conception date (CD) Adjustable cycles 10 antenatal appointments to facilitate the booking process Calculation of the estimated gestational age (EGA) by the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) Calculation of the EGA by the CD or by the IVF date Calculation of the EGA by the previous ultrasound scan for fetal growth assessment Calculation of the due date or delivery date (EDD) by the LMP, CD and by previous ultrasound scan Reverse calculation of the LMP and CD by the EDD or any other methods Calculation of the earliest date when the heart starts beating Calculation of the gestational sac diameter correlated with the gestational age in the first trimester Calculation of the first day second and third trimesters Calculation of the optimal time frame for performing an amniocentesis (if required) Calculation of the optimal time frame for performing a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) procedure (if required) Calculation of the optimal time frame for doing the first trimester combined test (nuchal translucency scan, PAPP-A and beta hCG) Calculation of the optimal time frame for doing the multiplexed maternal plasma DNA sequencing test to rule out Down syndrome Calculation of the optimal time frame for doing triple, quad or penta screening tests Calculation of the optimal time frame for doing a detailed fetal anatomy ultrasound scan Calculation of the countdown to the due date Correlation of the EGA with the normal ranges of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels in the first trimester Correlation of the EGA with: Yolk sac diameter (YSD) in the first trimester Gestation sac diameter (GSD) in the first trimester Estimated fetal weight (EFW) Amniotic fluid index (AFI) Fetal length (crown to rump before 20 wks) Fetal length (crown to heel after 20 wks) Fetal heart rate (FHR) Fetal head, abdomen, femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna, foot, cerebellum, clavicle, mandible, ear and renal pelvis measurements Highlight of each week of fetal development Pictorial and video demonstration of the fetal development and movements from week 2 to delivery Audio playback of the normal fetal heart beats in each week of pregnancy Fast forward or backward review of the pictures and audio playback just by changing the dates in the calendar Extremely simple (but intuitive) and user friendly design with no need for any tutorials All date results include the day of the week, so you can plan your appointments more efficiently. Print feature to print or save as PDF any parts of the selected information. Just click on the area of interest and then click Print. Other Features Calculation of your age in days, or weeks, or a combination of years, months, weeks and days. When are you going to be 10,000 days old? Do you know on what day of the week you were born or on what date you were conceived? Just select the due date from the calculation method and enter your birthdate in the calendar and iFetal will calculate the rest.