ID Photo Cutter

OS X 10.11
ID Photo Cutter is designed for easy work-flow of ID photo production by trimming your selfie photo instantly. 1. It has easy setting of photo format which includes several alignment guides, which allows you easily arrange your photo position to fit the demand of comprehensive photo format such as visa application photo rules. 2. It can import face photo from file, or your photo library, and move, scale, rotate photo to fit the guides easily. It can be controlled by mouse-dragging, and trackpad pinch,rotate gesture. 3.It can create nice output print of your trimmed photo with several types of cutting guide, so that you can cut out your photo by scissors or cutting knife without any difficulty. It can create digital image file which can be used for online application, and also can create PDF files to apply for any printing services. Please enjoy this application to omit your wasting time to prepare your ID photo! Changed in Ver. 1.2 Current work process is now preserved, and recovered when restarting app. Confirmed running in OS X 10.11. Supporting OS version is now 10.11+.