This giveaway is in cooperation with MacAppsOnSale.com.
Whether you are an OS X or iOS developer, the number of icon sizes that need to be supplied with each app is growing enormously - for a universal iOS app that supports iOS 7+, you need to generate about 20 different sizes of your icon!
This can become very tedious and tiresome. Which is where Iconie comes in handy! Simply drag and drop your largest image (or image file) onto Iconie and it will generate all the remaining sizes for you!
It supports generating OS X and iOS icons and exporting them into ICNS (OS X), icon sets (.iconset, OS X), icon folders, or adding them to Xcode asset catalogs.
Of course, you can always supply your own version for any of the sizes by dropping it in.
Note: Some features require Xcode tools to be installed.