OS X 10.6
Icon Studio, the All-In-One Complete Icons Creation Studio! Its so incredibly easy to output all the necessary icons needed by your environment! Sure you can do it by hand and photoshop, but isn't your time more valuable doing more important things? Buy tools that get the job done in the least possible time, Time is Money and your Time is Valuable! Don't you think you would be better off doing more important things that resizing and renaming icons? We have released 20 Apps in various App Stores in 1 year because we know how valuable time is and With Icon Studio you can be most efficient in sizing and naming your icons! ◉ All OS Supported From Mac OS 10.6 to Latest Yosemite ◉ Mac Retina compatible ◉ Icons DONE in 10 Seconds! 100% Properly Resized & Renamed! ◉ 4 Step Process, If you count the final Exporting "click" :) ◉ Fastest Algorithm on the Mac App Store ◉ Almost 24/7 Support: Just email us at Support@AppMavenApps.com ◉ Clean and Simple User Interface – Nothing to really learn! ◉ Icon Studio is a simple drag and drop Icons Generator for all devices. ◉ Convert any image file to all icon formats ◉ iPhone (All upto iPhone 6 Plus) ◉ iPhone Retina i ◉ iPad ◉ iPad Retina ◉ Android ◉ Windows Desktop Apps ◉ Linux Apps ◉ Website Favicons ◉ Mac OS Desktop Apps