OS X 10.9
Icon Scaler resizes your icon image to all common sizes for iOS, OSX, Windows and Android. If you have finished programming your mobile app or desktop application, you realize, that thousands of different sizes for your app icon are needed. Without the right tool it can be a very annoying and time wasting matter resizing icons by hand, in particular if you have to adapt the original icon three times and more. Resizing your icon image with Icon Scaler is very easy: 1.) drag&drop your icon image to icon scaler 2.) select sizes 3.) export icons 4.) … and work productive again The icons are saved with correct file names in subfolders. You can choose betweend different rubrics: - iPhone & iPad & iWatch (xcassets, iOS) - OSX (png) - Android (Launcher icons, Action bar icons, Notification icons) - Windows Application (ico) inkl. Toolbar icons, Dialog icons, balloon icons - Windows Phone 7 - Windows 8 App Tiles All iOS icons and launch images are exported as assets (Images.xassets), so you can directly import that folder to XCode. If you need to resize/scale images in custom-made sizes or if you need to resize a whole bunch of photo album very quickly then look for Image Scaler. If you have any further questions or icon sizes are missing don't hesitate to contact us.