Easy-to-use,Batch processing,Multi-formats.
Icns Icon Converter is a easy and quick tool for making icns icon for you Mac App.
It supports the most commonly used image file formats,including png,jpg,tiff,psd,gif,jp2,pict,bmp,sgi,tga and many other file formats.
Just drag and drop an image to the window,this app can automatically convert input images to icns file for you.
Batch processing can convert hundreds of thousands of input images to icns icons that will promote your productivity.
********* KEY FEATURES *********:
√ Easy use, just drag and drop image file or folder to the window,this app can automatically convert input images to icns file for you.
√ Support batch processing,just drag image folder to the window.Allow mix different image formats in a folder
√ Support for more input formats: PNG, TIFF, JPEG, PSD, GIF, BMP,SGI ,TGA and more!
√ Show and Preview the icns conversion result in Finder.
Please send e-mail yanlichenapple@gmail.com to us.