Play the Briscola - the famous Italian card game - on your iPhone, iPad and Mac!
In this version:
- single player mode
- multiplayer mode
- 15 Italian traditional regional cards by MODIANO (*)
- set score (60, 121) and games (1, 2/3, 3/5)
- several backgrounds
- music, originals from the Italian artist Luca Francioso (www.lucafrancioso.com)
(*) available MODIANO card sets:
- Napoletane
- Piacentine
- Toscane
- Bergamasche
- Lombarde
- Trentine
- Trevigiane
- Triestine
- Piemontesi
- Siciliane
- Genovesi
- Romagnole
- Sarde
- Poker
- Salzburger