OS X 10.7
iBodyFat is an application which calculates your body fat percentage and keeps a log of your results. Two different calculations are presented for each measurement made. The body fat percentage formulas used by iBodyFat are girth body fat calculations invented by the U.S. Navy, and professional body builder and writer Hugo Rivera. For taking girth body fat measurements, no special equipment is needed; all that is required is a vinyl tape measure. Girth is not as accurate as skin fold techniques using body fat calipers, but there has been claim of within 3% accuracy. There is chance it can be wrong in some people because you can only tell so much by circumference, but this will be the best you can do without using expensive equipment. Features: - Get two body fat percentage ratings for each measurement. - Tracks all of your measurements by date. - Also tracks your Body Mass Index. - Multi-user support. - Fully documented. - Designed so future versions of the application may have more formulas and body fat measurement methods. *********************************************************** Note: the developer isn't notified whenever a review is written, so if you are unsatisfied, run into any issues, or just have ideas to make the app work better for you, contact the developer directly with your concern (using the Support link, or the Support menu item in the application's Help menu). Providing your feedback directly can be more helpful in getting you what you need out of the application. The developer is always looking for constructive criticism and back-and-forth discussion in order to improve on the product. Of course not every feature suggestion can be met, but there are already features in the application which were made by request from the customers. Another reason to contact the developer directly before reviewing, is that Apple does not allow developers to respond to these reviews, so we can't help ease your frustration, which might have an easy solution. ***********************************************************