△ △ △ △ △ I LEARN GUITAR PRO △ △ △ △ △
“I Learn Guitar Pro”是吉他初学者一门新课程。
“I Learn Guitar Pro,您将被引导通过各种练习,这将带你一步一步从0到仪器的基本知识,良好的水平。
总共有258个教学影片可通过应用程序的“I Learn Guitar Pro”,他们都在Youtube上(但不公开)托管,所以你需要一个互联网连接(可能WIFI)来查看它们。
“I Learn Guitar Pro”中,你将得到:
- 44练习左手的手指
- 21和弦,这将让你玩许多著名的歌曲
- 30练习2和弦(熟悉的和弦变化)
- 15和弦序列,每组四个和弦
- 7级,这将允许您创建您的第一个独奏旋律
- 分为2种类型的拨弄着一个基本的弹奏和时间(快速到达一个高效的执行)
- 15和弦strumming的每种类型的序列
- 2首歌曲的节奏和吉他独奏部分
- 部分告诉你如何调整你的吉他
- A部分的程序21周的研究(一个有组织的工作)
- 共258个教学视频(每次锻炼的一个视频!)
△ △ △ △ △ I LEARN GUITAR PRO △ △ △ △ △
I Learn Guitar Pro is a new course of Guitar for Beginners.
With I Learn Guitar Pro you will be guided through various exercises that will take you step by step from 0 up to a good level of basic knowledge of the instrument.
For each exercise you will have a multimedia guide that will give you the execution time and will show you exactly which strings and frets to press and with which fingers, you can then change the execution speed as you progress in practicing.
Moreover, for each exercise it will also be available a video where a guitarist will show you how to play the notes or the chords. Each video is composed of two parts, a first at a normal speed (to let you ear the how the exercise should sound) and a second at reduced speed so you can practice with it.
In total there are 258 instructional videos, the videos are available exclusively via the application "I Learn Guitar Pro" and they are all hosted on Youtube (but not public), so you'll need an internet connection (possibly wifi) to view them.
You will also learn how to tune your guitar and you will have a section with a program of 21 weeks that will show you what exercises to perform each week.
There is also a section with guidelines, explanations and common questions, and a email button to send us questions about the course.