Homebrewer Pro

OS X 10.8
Homebrewer is one of the most comprehensive and advanced set of tools for the home beermaker. Calculators are included for all steps of the homebrewing process and use advanced calculations and standards created by the BJCP. Detailed information about each calculator are included and explain everything from IBU’s and SRM to ABV and carbonation levels. Features: IBU Calculator - Calculate the IBU of your finished beer with up to 4 additions of hops and dry hopping. SRM Estimator- What is going to be the color of your finished beer? The SRM estimator will tell you the value as well as a BJCP color chart to show what color it will be with up to 4 grain additions. ABV Calculator- Calculate the true alcohol content (ABV) of your finished beer. Priming- How much carbonation would you like your beer to have? Select the beer style and Homebrewer will automatically figure out the needed amount of corn or table sugar needed to achieve the carbonation of that beer style. Pitching Rate- How much yeast should you add to your batch of beer? This calculator will let you know how much yeast to add and accounts for the production date of both liquid and dry yeast additions. Beer Recipes- Popular beer recipes for different styles. Updates will be made to this application that will include new recipes. Features: IBU Calculator ABV Calculator SRM Estimator Homebrew Recipes Yeast Pitching Calculators Carbonation Estimator