Hivebench is a Lab Assistant that helps you do smart science, easily, securely and collaboratively.
It's the best app to do research in the XXIst century. Goodbye paper, say hello to Hivebench.
SAVE TIME | Don't waste time anymore to write down your paper laboratory notebook!
Hivebench is a Mac, iPad and iPhone application designed to give you access to your new Lab Notebook everywhere.
NO CHANGE MANAGEMENT | All your experiments are organized into notebooks. All results are gathered into experiments, just like you do today with your paper notebook.
READ | Get access to your projects and experiments on your desktop and mobile devices. Hivebench is the greatest way to find and look at your latest results on-the-go.
RICH MEDIA | All data included in your experiments (images, videos, spreadsheets, documents, files, etc.) can be analyzed directly from your Mac. You're now able to take pictures of your results at the lab bench and add them to your notebook.
WRITE | Hivebench comes with a built-in text editor that allows you to add your own conclusions from everywhere. You can add style to your notebook content (font, color, list, etc.) on-the-go.
SYNC | Always stay up to date between your mobile notebook and your desktop. Once you add or annotate an experiment, it will wirelessly be saved on the Hivebench platform and be available on all your devices, including from your Mac.
PROTOCOL | You don't need to type in your experiment content anymore. Just select the protocol you use from your database, choose reagents and experimental conditions and the detailed protocol will be pasted into your experiment automatically.
INVENTORY | You can manage all your inventories and reagents from the app, add new items or share them with your colleagues. These reagents can then be tracked from your notebook experiments.
DATA | Browse all the files attached to your experiments from a centralized window, and keep track of your lab experimental results.
SECURITY | Hivebench complies with the international guidelines for pharmaceutical industry. Your data have never been so secured.
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