OS X 10.7
HemiStim for the Mac can be used as a visual stimulation of areas of the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes hemispherically. It is a specific brain stimulation which is rarely used in conjunction with other treatments but can be used as a portion of a home-based program or an office-based program. Such usage may lead to improved hemispheric connectivity specific, targeted areas of the brain and its connections to the parietal/temporal or frontal cortices. HemiStim for the Mac provides a visual stimulation through utilizing color patterns and eye tracking that can be used for specific left or right visual exercise. The stimulus is recognized and  interpreted by the contralateral (opposite) occipital lobe. Pursuit and saccadic eye movements are created by targeting on the moving object. Pursuit away from and saccade towards the alternating squares are initiated by the ipsilateral (same side) parietal and frontal cortex, respectively.  This gives the doctor the ability to work the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes hemispherically. HemiStim for the Mac is a companion to our iOS app, HemiStim. It is designed to use the larger screen size of a Mac and provides greater flexibility in designing stimulation patterns. It is optimally designed for use with the full Mac screen but can be used with a smaller window if desired.