OS X 10.7
Hazy is an HTML, Javascript, and PHP obfuscation tool targeted towards developers and designers. Compatible with OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion. When compared to the average HTML obfuscation website, Hazy offers several advantages: - Speed (because its a native application on your computer, its faster than a website on another computer) - Does not require an internet connection - Uses Drag and Drop; quicker loading of files as compared to using "Open File" dialogs - Uses features like popovers to create a nice, non-cluttered experience Notice: Hazy is supposed to be a 'first layer of defense." It is not, and should not be treated as, a hacker proof solution. The source code is simply obfuscated, which means that it can be "unravelled." Hazy is good because it deters the average user from copying the source code. In addition, it can be used by web designers such as authors at Themeforest. Automated tools like Site Sucker are used to rip themes from theme previews. By hiding the code, Hazy stops automated tools from downloading entire themes. If any users have concerns or questions, please email us. If you don't bite, we won't either.