Hash Kit – MD5, SHA1, SHA2, CRC

OS X 10.10
Hash / Check-sum is widely used in the security field. For example, when you download a file from the internet, quite often you cannot be 100% guaranteed that the file has not been changed in some way from the original. Possibly the most dangerous is that the file has been infected by malicious software. One of the ways you can identify whether a file has been changed from its original state is to check its hash / check-sum value. Hash Kit is built to make this process easy and efficient. Hash Kit can compute hash / check-sum value for both File and Text, with many different algorithms support. *** MAIN FEATURES *** - Support hash / check-sum for both File and Text. File mode and Text mode can be switched easily by a single click. Hash Kit can even work in Text mode while File mode is working in progress. - Support MD5, SHA1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 and CRC32 algorithms. You can optionally enable the algorithms you want when working in Text mode / File mode, and multiple algorithms can be enabled at the same time. - Automatically compute in Text mode. When working in Text mode, you don't need to click any button to get the result. The hash / check-sum value will be updated automatically when the text changed. - Batch file processing in File mode. You can drag and drop multiple files at the same time when working in File mode. The hash / check-sum values of files will be computed simultaneously. - Export report in File mode. You can copy the hash / check-sum value easily by a single click. Also you save the result as a text file in File mode. Andy feedback is appreciated.