OS X 10.7.4
GriDraw ®* is an Image Editor for Artists, a desktop software for macOS. It features a simple and practical user interface with support for creating the grid over the reference photos for the Grid Method that many artists use. GriDraw has two workable panels: the Image Editor on the left side and the Grid Drawing Tool on the right side. GriDraw was originally created by pencil artist Jasmina Susak as a mobile phone app and has evolved from a simple grid-drawing tool into an image editor with support for cropping, resizing, transparency, saturation, brightness, contrast, hue, color temperature, flipping, rotating. It also has Save and Print features even without the placed grid; therefore, GriDraw can be used solely as an image editor. The features of the grid-drawing tool on the right side meet all the requirements of the artists when it comes to placing the grid over the reference photos even the labeling and diagonal lines. The created grid is movable so that it can be placed in the desired position over the reference photo. The color, thickness, and opacity of the grid lines can be set as the artists need and desire. Download and install this software and prepare your reference photos for drawing or painting within a couple of seconds. *GriDraw is a registered trademark in the United States