GRE Math – Arithmetic Review

OS X 10.8
Prepare to achieve the GRE scores you need to get into your top choice schools. Get ready for the test day with this most comprehensive app on GRE Math : Arithmetic Review. Features include: * HIGHEST QUALITY and QUANTITY Over 460 questions and 46 revision notes in all just for Arithmetic Review. High quality content written by experienced GRE tutors. * MOCK TEST Mixed questions from all topics. * REVIEW WITH EXPLANATION Review each question at the end of the test. Know the right answer with detailed explanation for each question. * PROGRESS METER With our unique progress tracking feature including pie charts and bar graphs showing your progress, you know you are ready to take on the real test at the board when your progress meter says 100%. * REVISE BY TOPIC 1. Basic Number and Arithmetic Using Integer Properties Negative Numbers Addition and Subtraction with Negative Numbers Multiplying and Dividing with Negative Numbers Multiplication and Division Problems Adding and Subtraction Decimals Decimals - Multiplication and Division 1 Decimals - Multiplication and Division 2 Approximation of Roots and Exponents 2. Elementary Number Theory Prime Numbers Real Numbers Reminders Factors Greatest Common Factor Multiples Least Common Multiple 3. Fractions and Decimals Finding a Fraction of a Quantity One Quantity as a Fraction of Another Equivalent Fractions Reducing to Lowest Terms Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers Multiplying Fractions Dividing Fractions Adding Fractions Subtracting Fractions Fraction Problems in Words Reciprocals Decimal/Fraction Equivalents Fractions and Terminating Decimals Fractions and Repeating Decimals 4. Exponents and Roots Square Roots Squares Roots Exponents of 10 5. Magnitude, Order and Absolute Value Place Value and Ordering Numbers The Number Line Inequalities on Number Lines 6. Ratios, Proportions and Percents Calculating with Ratios Dividing Amounts into Ratios Ratios and Fractions Ratio Problems in Words Percent 1 Percent 2 Equivalent Percents Fractions and Decimals Percent Problems in Words Compound Interest Disclaimer: GRE is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Services(ETS). ETS neither sponsors nor endorses this product or any of its content.