Graffiti Fonts 2

OS X 10.7
Graffiti Fonts® 2 expands upon the first collection of typefaces adding custom outline & 3D styles to the popular Raseone font family, introducing new hand-styles, stamps & other graffiti styles as well as upgrades to all of the fonts from GF1. We’ve included handstyles, wildstyles, throwie styles & more all designed by real graff-writers & experienced font developers. These fonts, images & illustrations will work in any application on any Mac, PC or Linux computer. This specialized Mac app provides easy previewing & installation of all of the fonts, images & vector illustrations & other material in the collection. You can choose to install whole categories of content in one move or you can browse through previews of the fonts and install them individually. The app also provides viewing of the commercial license text, contact information for support and a copy of our tiny VectorGraff™ layout & drawing application. 29 Authentic Graffiti Fonts® in all! Including: 5 Cent™ O8 Underground™ B-Boy™ Brooklyn Kid™ Can Control™ Cap Construct™ DaFunk™ FatCap™ Graffpity™ Homeboy™ Human Rase™ Kilroy Was Here™ New Digital™ Pilot Rase™ Rase GPL™ Rase Basic™ Raseone® Raseone Outline® Raseone Fat 3D® Raseone Fade® Raseone Fill® Searfont™ Subway™ Whoa! Writers™ Writers Bold™ Writers Condensed™ Writers 2™ Writers 3™ Graffiti Fonts® 2 also includes: 25 Bitmap texture Images 25 Templates & Specs VectorGraff™ Cross platform drawing application.