OS X 10.10
View GPS eXchange format (GPX) files on your Mac. GPX Viewer can view GPX files exported from many GPS devices and other apps such as our Road Trip Planner app. Note: you can edit GPX files, but you can’t save your edits. To edit and save GPX files please use our GPX Editor app available from the Mac App Store. - Open and edit multiple GPX files. - View with Apple Maps or Open Street Maps. - View and edit waypoints, routes, tracks, track points, and file info. - View track charts of elevation, distance, and speed. - Copy waypoints, routes, tracks and file info to the clipboard in text format. - Copy & paste waypoints, routes, and tracks from one file to another. - Show or hide waypoints and track points. - Drag waypoints and track points to a new location on the map. - Add new waypoints, tracks and track points. - Get current weather for a waypoint or track point. - View Google map of waypoints or track points when available. - Download elevation for any waypoint or track point. - Take a screen shot of the map for printing or reference. - Drag and drop track points to rearrange their ordering (within the track point list). - Preferences let you change pin, route and track colors and more. - Flickr search for photos and videos at any waypoint or track point location. - Delete waypoints, routes and track points to refine your GPX file. - Delete multiple track points easily. - Combine track segments. - Combine tracks. - Convert track points into waypoints. - Merge track points. - Delete track segments. - And more! We also have an iOS version of the GPX Viewer with a similar name.