GPSModifier – Photo GPS Exif Editor

OS X 10.10
Photo GPS Exif Editor lets you view, add, change or delete location/GPS information in your photos. If your camera can't save location information in your photos, don't worry. You can use this app to add a location to your photos so you know in 10 years exactly where you took the photo. Even if your camera has a GPS module, the location might not be accurate enough in some photos. Sometimes you know better where you took a picture. You can change it. You might want to delete location information stored in your photos. That's also possible. * Pick a photo via Drag & Drop (or using an "Open File" window) * If it has already location information: it will be displayed on the map * You can search for places (internet connection required) * Choose a (new) location (Long-press on the map or click the "Drop Pin" button - or drag&dop the pin after adding it to the map) * Click "Save" That's everything you need to do to change location/GPS information of photos!