Get File Info enables you to Explore, Analyze, Edit, and Save any kind of file with any kind of extension; a versatile hex editor. It lets you view file's byte-level. Editing works like in a text editor with a focus on a simple and task-oriented operation.
File’s general information
Stored Mac OS spotlight metadata
Checksum-digests generator:
MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
View file's byte-level
Learn Hexadecimal, ASCII, Extended value of characters
Raw reading of a file’s content
Searchable content on different encodings
Discover details of file’s hexadecimal representation
View file's content in plain ASCII
Extended view of non-printable characters
Compare content of multiple files
Easily Select, Delete, Copy, and Insert bytes
Clipboard support for other editors
Repair corrupted files by replacing missing parts
Insertion of byte patterns
Splitting or concatenating of files
Save a byte-copy of loaded/read file
or modified file’s content
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