GedGap is a genealogy tool that can help you plan, rate and prioritize your research plan. Just import your GEDCOM file from your family tree web site or genealogy software and GedGap can:
• Analyze and score each of your sources to reveal gaps in the reliability of your birth and death entries,
• Prioritize an individual's research based on the quality and completeness of sources,
• Determine a confidence rating in your sources being proof of birth and death events,
• Provide brief tips on the status of birth and death research,
• Allow you to add brief notes to an individual's research,
• Allow you to set flags for missing sources being proof of birth and death events, whether research is complete or has ceased, and
• Produces various reports on your research plan.
The internal scoring engine is customizable for different birth and death source types, e.g. birth index, death certificates, etc.