Intel 64 / OS X
$ 6.99
Galton is a file verification and authentication utility. Galton scans and stores a file's "fileprint," a short code which identifies a file's content. If the content changes, the code changes. You can use Galton to verify whether a file matches a fileprint: you'll know whether or not the content of the file has changed, as can happen due to disk failure, network transfer errors, another user's modifications and so on. Sharing files with someone else? Send them the fileprints too, so that they can verify that the files are the same. Galton is designed as a Mac application, so it takes into account special Mac filesystem features such as packages and resource forks. Galton interoperates with Windows and UNIX too: fileprints can be imported from ".sfv" and ".md5" files, and can also be exported to ".md5" files. Galton supports these industry standard "fingerprinting" algorithms: CRC32, MD4, MD5, TIGER, and SHA1.