Fun Math Games

OS X 10.10
Fun Math Games offers more than 95 educational mini-games for children to build and sharpen their Math skills — and become confident in Math! They are suitable for children of different ages. Friends and families can also play and compete with each other for fun! TOPICS COVERED: - Numbers: Ten frames, counting, rounding numbers, etc. - Addition: Number bonds, addition facts, and multi-digit addition - Subtraction: Cross-out subtraction, number bonds, subtraction facts, multi-digit subtraction, and Austrian subtraction - Multiplication: Equal groups, arrays, repeated addition, multiplication facts, and multi-digit multiplication - Division: Equal groups, repeated subtraction, division facts (with and without remainders), and multi-digit division - Decimals: Place values, comparison, rounding, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. HIGHLIGHTS: - A large collection of mini-games to choose from - The games offer interactive tutorials and exercises, with adjustable levels of difficulty - Supports multiple players, each having his/her own record of played games (which can be reviewed at any time) - Score boards for comparing the rankings of players in each game, and in all of the played games Comments or questions? Email us at