OS X 10.9
The official app for Freckle Time Tracking. Freckle at your fingertips—access your Freckle timers from your Mac menu bar with one click or one quick keyboard shortcut. ► Please note that this application requires a paid account with Freckle Time Tracking. Please see http://letsfreckle.com/ for more information and sign up. ∙ Completely mouse-free use with global keyboard shortcut and in-app shortcuts (of course you can use your mouse or trackpad as well) ∙ Closing the window with ESC bumps you right back into the app you've worked in before calling up Freckle ∙ Search for projects by starting to type any search term ∙ Automatically syncs with Freckle when you pause, switch projects or log time in the web app or in the mobile app, no reloading necessary ∙ Anything you enter as notes will be synced with the Freckle servers so it's securely backed up. You can even switch computers and it will still be there. ∙ Works great with multiple screens, spaces and even within full-screen apps ∙ Detects when you're offline ∙ Quickly call up the full Freckle experience in your web browser with the TouchBar or a key combination ∙ Optionally launch Freckle when you log in to your Mac so it's always started and ready for you