With 150 targeted questions, Upward Mobility's Food Allergy Safety app is the perfect way to hone your knowledge of critical allergy safety principles.
Ideal for kitchen managers, food safety professionals, and foodservice staff in both front and back of house, this app re-enforces knowledge of important allergen safety principles, including:
- Food Allergens
- Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction
- Intolerances, Sensitivities, and Celiac Disease
- Food Handler Basics
- Policies and Communication
- Self Service and Work Stations
- Filling and Handling Orders
- Serving Food
- Understanding Food Labels
- Receiving and Storage
- Kitchen, and Prep
This app was designed to encompass the material taught in the National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe Allergens Course, and the content is applicable to the state requirements for Rhode Island and Massachusetts. All of our app content was created exclusively for Upward Mobility by a professional food writer and ServSafe Manager.
This app features:
- 150 multiple-choice questions with detailed, helpful explanations
- Study Mode: Each question is paired with a clear and useful explanation. Study at your own pace!
- Test Mode: Designed to simulate the exam experience. Set your own question and time constraints.
This app is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the National Restaurant Association.
About Upward Mobility:
Upward Mobility is an independent test-preparation apps company that creates high quality material that is witty and engaging, perfect for on-the-go students and ambitious professionals. All of our content is developed exclusively for Upward Mobility by writers who are subject matter experts.
We are a double bottom line company that is committed to education in the developing world. Some of the profits will be used to deploy education via mobile phone in emerging countries to improve their total factor productivity growth.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and if you have any questions or comments or are unsatisfied with our products in any way, please contact us at info@upwardpro.com and we will do our best to help you.