OS X 10.11
- Compare Styled Text from System Fonts & Non-installed Custom Fonts - "Should I use Helvetica for this string?" "Or is Geneva better?" "And use the bold typeface?" Life can get so complicated just for a simple text string. The FontsView series is now more than 6 years old. It's been re-developed from scratch in Swift. FontsView 4 offers a package of tools that you can use to decide which font family is best-suited given a text string, a text size and a text color. When you select a font family from the system library, you will get a list of available typefaces (regular, bold, italic, light...). With this version, you can now use font files that are not installed in the System with Font Book in order to render styled text. So find out how a font that you have not even installed in the System will render styled text. - What’s new? - 1. The user can now use non-installed fonts to render styled text. 2. Add selected fonts to the font candidate list. 3. ‘Compare fonts’ is completely rebuilt. While comparing styled text objects from different font families, eliminate undesirable ones individually. 4. Overlay fonts: The user can overlay drawings of styled text strings from system fonts as well as non-installed custom fonts. - Features - 1. Select a folder containing font files (OTF, TTF) in order to use custom fonts to render styled text. 2. Limit access to custom fonts based on file sizes. 3. Highlight names of important font families. 4. Add important font families to the favorite font list. 5. Add font families to the candidate list. 6. Select a text color from a drop-down menu list of 60+ colors. 7. Mix a color with RGB values or with hexadecimal code. Add your favorite color to My colors. 8. Change the background color of the styled text canvas. 9. Copy current styled text as Rich Text into the system clipboard. 10.Save current styled text as an image (BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, TIFF) to your disk. 11.Save current styled text as Rich Text (RTF) to your disk. 12.Write out styled text from all available system font families as Rich Text (RTF) to your disk. 13.Write out styled text with all available typefaces for selected system font as Rich Text (RTF) to your disk.. 14.Overlay fonts: Overlay drawings of styled text strings from selected font families. 15.Overlay fonts: Save the overlay cavas as an image (BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, TIFF) to your disk. 16.Compare fonts: Compare styled text strings from all available font families including non-installed custom fonts. 17.Compare fonts: Eliminate individual styled text strings. Save a list of names of remaining font families as a text file to your disk. 18.The fullScreen mode is supported. 19.The application supports the retina screen. (tested with 2014 2.6 GHz 13″ MacBook Pro) 20.Languages: English only. 21.Application file size: 38.1 MB. 22.The application comes with a built-in 24-page user guide. Click on the Quick tour toolbar button or choose Show Quick Tour under FontsView 4 whenever you need to see it. - System requirements - 1. 10.11 (tested with 10.11.6), 10.12 (tested with 10.12.2 and 10.12.5) 2. 64-bit system - Limitations - 1. The supported custom font file extensions are OTF and TTF only so far. 2. When you render styled text with a custom font, the user won't get access to its typefaces. 3. A Rich Text object cannot be rendered with a custom font.