
OS X 10.13
The FLFileCalendar application displays your files on a calendar according to their creation or modification dates. It can fulfill the following roles: file finder, work reminder, and work historian. File Finder The normal file-manager convention is to show files in a folder tree. This can be sufficient if you are very organized, but unfortunately many of us are not. Often we are a bit lazy when selecting appropriate destinations for Save-As operations. This is where FLFileCalendar comes in. As long as you know roughly when you saved a file, you should be able to find it quickly in the calendar. Work Reminder When starting a new workday or returning from a vacation, you sometimes need a reminder of which files are currently in work. FLFileCalendar will do this for you, by listing the files modified on your last day. (Note that it allows you to choose a specific sub-tree and also apply filter strings, so you should not have to wade through a huge list of irrelevant files.) Work Historian Sometimes you need to examine the history of a project, to go back and see what was done and when. FLFileCalendar supports this as well. If your sub-tree is of a reasonable size and the storage is relatively fast (particularly if you have a Mac with a solid-state drive), you will be able to scroll back quickly, one week at a time. NOTE: File management tools generally have the weakness that it often takes a very long time to scan large mass-storage devices, particularly when they are external. (You may have seen how long it takes a Mac or Windows machine to index a full USB thumb drive.) FLFileCalender's approach to this problem is to allow for sub-folder scans and excluded folders. You may select your entire user folder as the "base folder" then specify a number of more-manageable "sub-folder" trees. Then you can use the "Filter" feature to skip any irrelevant or uninteresting files and folders.