OS X 10.7
FlatMol a molecule drawing tool for the educator or student Simple and flat, chemical structures made with this program are designed to be compatible with a paper surface rather than to compete with 3D models. Tips: Help Topics are accessible from the Menu Undo is available (command Z) ["Edit" Menu] Viewing styles may be changed ["View" Menu] Molecules may be Rotated ["Edit" Menu] Any atom may be drawn and then changed to an different element. * Novice and Expert Modes * Quickly fill all open valencies with Hydrogen atoms * Quickly draw predefined three to six membered aliphatic rings plus benzene * Fuse rings for the above ring types * Remove an atom from a molecule (except from within rings) * Number atoms sequentially * See more features in the supporting web page. Once complete, flatMol molecules may be saved for future editing, printed, saved as a .mol file (which can be read into 3D rendering programs), or saved as a pict. file. Once saved as a pict. file, they may be dropped into a word processor or test program or converted (via other apps) to different formats if needed, This program is designed to keep things simple; complicated ring structures or structures involving unusual bonds may not be able to be drawn here at all. I have chosen to disallow features such as unusual bonding or removal of random atoms within a ring group to keep other features ( such as rotation ) working properly.