In this FastTrack™ course, SfLogicNinja David Earl dives deep into his Logic Pro X bag of tricks and offers up 10 of his top secrets!
App Features:
• 50 minutes of video training
• Super clear explanations
• Offline Playback (no internet connection needed)
• Easy to navigate
Course Outline:
1. Introduction (01:01)
2. Groups in Logic (05:11)
3. Sidechaining with Ultrabeat (04:46)
4. Drum Machine Designer (05:03)
5. Multi-Timbral Instruments (04:20)
6. Saturating Audio in Logic (04:51)
7. Apple Loops & Sampler Instruments (04:46)
8. Take Folders Madness (04:21)
9. Color Your Logic World (04:18)
10. Smart Controls & Scaling (04:58)
11. Getting Freaky with Pitch (05:45)
12. Conclusion (01:05)