Fantastical 2 is the Mac calendar you'll actually enjoy using. Creating an event with Fantastical is quick, easy, and fun: Open Fantastical with a single click or keystroke Type in your event details and press return ...and you're back to what you were doing with a shiny new event in your calendar! Fantastical's natural-language engine is expressive and intelligent, so you can write in your own style. Fantastical also automatically recognizes the location of your event and can even invite people from your Contacts to the event.
Fantastical for Mac:优雅的日历软件
如果你是一名标准意义上的 Mac 粉,那么你对 Fantastical 这款日历软件一定不会陌生,由于软件本身发迹于 iOS 平台,在来到 Mac 后就很自然的将其设计理念和操作特点带入到了 OS X 系统,拟物化的红头日历是 Fantastical 经典的代表设计,每当我进入 Fantastica...