OS X 10.11
Simple to use and fast image EXIF Cleaner. Multiple ways of use (check screenshots) You can drag and drop your files to: - status bar icon - application dock icon - to the application window - use right click services menu EXIF Cleaner will only remove metadata from files or recursively from selected directories and will keep original file quality! Supported file types: JPEG, JPG, JPE Joint Photographic Experts Group image Supported JPEG Meta Information PNG, JNG, MNG Portable/JPEG/Multiple-image Network Graphics PNG GIF Compuserve Graphics Interchange Format AI, AIT Adobe Illustrator [Template] (PS or PDF) F4A, F4B, F4P, F4V Adobe Flash Player 9+ Audio/Video (QuickTime-based) QuickTime4 MOV, QT Apple QuickTime Movie QuickTime4 MP4 Motion Picture Experts Group version 4 (QuickTime-based) QuickTime4 PDF Adobe Portable Document Format R3 R3 PDF, R Photoshop PSD, PSB PhotoShop Document / Large Document Photoshop RAW Panasonic RAW (TIFF-based) PanasonicRaw Panasonic TIFF, TIF Tagged Image File Format Trailers 3G2, 3GP2 3rd Gen. Partnership Project 2 a/v (QuickTime-based) 3GP, 3GPP 3rd Gen. Partnership Project a/v (QuickTime-based) AAX Audible Enhanced Audiobook (QuickTime-based) ARW Sony Alpha RAW (TIFF-based) Sony SonyIDC CR2 Canon RAW 2 (TIFF-based) CRW, CIFF Canon RAW Camera Image File Format (CRW spec.) CS1 Sinar CaptureShop 1-shot RAW (PSD-based) DCP DNG Camera Profile (DNG-like) DNG Digital Negative (TIFF-based) DVB Digital Video Broadcasting (QuickTime-based) QuickTime4 EPS, EPSF, PS [Encapsulated] PostScript Format PostScript, Photoshop ERF Epson RAW Format (TIFF-based) Olympus EXIF Exchangable Image File Format metadata (TIFF-based) EXV Exiv2 metadata file (JPEG-based) Supported JPEG Meta Information FFF Hasselblad Flexible File Format (TIFF-based) FLIF Free Lossless Image Format HDP, WDP, JXR Windows HD Photo / Media Photo / JPEG XR (TIFF-based) IIQ Phase One Intelligent Image Quality RAW (TIFF-based) PhaseOne IND, INDD, INDT Adobe InDesign Document/Template JP2, JPF, J2K, JPM, JPX JPEG 2000 image [Compound/Extended] Jpeg2000, R Photoshop3 MEF Mamiya (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based) MIE Meta Information Encapsulation (MIE specification) MIE MOS Creo Leaf Mosaic (TIFF-based) Leaf MPO Extended Multi-Picture format (JPEG with MPF extensions) Supported JPEG Meta Information MQV Sony Mobile QuickTime Video QuickTime4 MRW Minolta RAW MinoltaRaw Minolta NEF Nikon (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based) Nikon NikonCapture NRW Nikon RAW (2) (TIFF-based) Nikon NikonCapture ORF Olympus RAW Format (TIFF-based) Olympus PEF Pentax (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-based) Pentax QTIF, QTI, QIF QuickTime Image File QuickTime4 RAF FujiFilm RAW Format FujiFilm RW2 Panasonic RAW 2 (TIFF-based) PanasonicRaw Panasonic RWL Leica RAW (TIFF-based) PanasonicRaw Panasonic SR2 Sony RAW 2 (TIFF-based) Sony SRW Samsung RAW format (TIFF-based) Samsung THM Canon Thumbnail (JPEG) Supported JPEG Meta Information X3F Sigma/Foveon RAW Sigma, R SigmaRaw XMP Extensible Metadata Platform sidecar file