OS X 10.7
EXIF App is the last EXIF viewer you'll ever need. Our app loads images in any format, including RAW. The app supports all EXIF, TIFF, EXIF-AUX, and JFIF structures as well as Maker Notes from Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Fuji, Panasonic, Olympus and many more. Screenshot 1: The unique simulated viewfinder reproduces what you saw when you took the shot: Shutter speed, F-stop, exposure compensation, ISO number, focus indication, flash, the focal length; if your images contain auto focus info, even the AF points are displayed, the active points highlighted in red. Screenshot 2: If present, EXIF app can pull the GPS coordinates from your images and loads and centers a map that shows the spot where the photo was taken. Screenshot 3: An annotated tree view lets you browse the EXIF data for points of interest. Screenshot 4: A raw data view of the EXIF data as it comes from the selected image. For further analysis the data can be written to a text file or copied to the clipboard. Screenshot 5: Finally, in the Stats tab, a tabular view of the most common EXIF data of all imported images. The table can be exported for further analysis in Numbers, Excel or other software (see product support page for an example) Note 1: Many applications strip EXIF data when exporting an image. For example, if you open a RAW image in Adobe Lightroom and export as JPEG, the Maker Notes and AF Info are stripped and not embedded into the JPEG's EXIF data. Note 2: Please note that EXIF App is a viewer only, it is not designed to edit EXIF data or to modify the EXIF information in your images. For bulk editing of EXIF data we recommend Adobe Lightroom.