Exchange Rates

OS X 10.7
Tired of launching the macOS Calculator app and stepping through menu paths or launching the fullscreen macOS Dashboard just for doing a simple currency conversion? Here's the solution: "Exchange Rates" is a small currency calculator residing in the macOS status bar or in your notification center – always available and always up to date. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything can be done using keyboard shortcuts, so you can easily convert an amount between two currencies without interrupting your current workflow by using the mouse or even launching another window-based application. It also provides two system services to make currency conversions even more convenient. All exchange rates are being updated continuously in the background, so you don't have to do anything about it. In addition, the fixed exchange rates of all euro predecessor currencies are available, such as the Austrian Shilling or German Mark. And just in case you would like to know what your paper currency is worth in sound money: Exchange Rates also offers four precious metals for conversions - each in grams and troy ounces. Exchange Rates can also inform you automatically with a notification when a predefined threshold of a currency pair is de- or exceeded. This feature is available for all supported currencies (including various crypto currencies) and the 4 precious metals (either in grams or troy ounces). The most important features at a glance: • All important world currencies • All euro-predecessor currencies • Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium) • Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Monero and Ripple • A variety of different exchanges for these crypto currencies (a complete list is available on the product web site) • Allows custom feed definitions for all crypto currencies • Today widget (on OS X 10.10 and newer) • Exchange rate notifications (on OS X 10.8 and newer) And in more detail: • All important currencies in your menu bar • Always available, always up-to-date • No more annoying fiddling with the macOS Calculator just to do a simple currency conversion • Offers two system services (convert to local currency or to all favourite currencies) • Sends notifications for any currency pair when a predefined threshold is crossed (on OS X 10.8 or newer) • Offers a command line interface for currency conversions • Add favourites (accessible with keyboard shortcuts) for frequently used conversions • Show your favourites in various different list types, e.g. for direct and/or indirect quotations • Everything can be done using keyboard shortcuts to avoid interrupting your workflow. • Also includes a Today Extension showing all your favourites (requires OS X v. 10.10 or newer) • The today widget can also do currency conversions directly within the macOS Notification Center • Keeps a history of all most recently used currencies (can be deactivated) • Data Minimization: no unnecessary data collection (e.g. user tracking) • Uses encrypted https connections for all built-in data sources Available data: • All important world-wide currencies are available • You can also check what your paper money is worth in gold, silver, platinum and palladium • 4 precious metals are available (gold, silver, platinum and palladium) • Precious metals can be shown either in grams or troy ounces • Various cryptocurrencies with a variety of different exchanges are also available (a complete list is available on the product web site) • You can also add your own crypto currency price feeds (JSON only) • The fixed exchange rates for all Euro predecessor currencies are available as well Please visit the web site for a complete list of all supported crypto currency exchanges. If you find a bug in this app, please report it to the bug tracker or email me so I can fix it as soon as possible. You can find a link to the bug tracker on the support website. Thank you! A free tryout version is available on the website.